It's that time of year again for the five day Manhattan Cocktail Classic kicking off in one week with a gala event at the New York Public Library. Here's all you need to know:
four floors, two city blocks, and over ten million cubic feet of space,
the opening night Gala will once again take over the sprawling main
branch of The New York Public Library, filling the mammoth hallways and
cavernous arches with music, dancing, merriment, mischief, wild
performances, scandalous art, nibbles, noshes, chaos, curiosities, and
infinite twists, turns, and general sensory excess. (Oh - and did we
mention over twenty-five thousand cocktails?)
All EventsFeeling overwhelmed by this comprehensive listing of events?
Please use the handy search tools on the left-hand side of the screen to narrow down your search for events.
Part festival, part fête, part conference, part cocktail party – the
Manhattan Cocktail Classic is an annual celebration of the myriad points
of intersection between cocktails and culture. With nearly one hundred
events spread across five days and four boroughs, and a multi-day trade conference
to boot - the Manhattan Cocktail Classic offers a vast array of unique
experiences to enthusiasts and professionals alike, expanding the very
definition of what constitutes a “cocktail event".
If you're unfamiliar with the Classic and are looking to get your bearings, start by taking a spin through the FAQ. From there, you may want to peruse some of the fabulous news coverage, or (if you're not so keen on reading) flip through some photos
from last year's festival. Or, if you've read plenty already and just
want to find out how to get involved, head on over to the contact page to get the ball rolling.
Behold, our fabulous 2013 festival sponsors!
The Manhattan Cocktail Classic is made possible through the time,
energies, dollars, and talents of nearly 200 sponsors and partners
annually. Click on any category to the left to check out the
fast-growing roster of fabulous folks on deck for 2013 (and then show
your thanks by sipping their products, patronizing their bars and restaurants, reading their publications, and joining their mailing lists).
Looking to get involved? There's still time! We work with
companies of all shapes, sizes, and colors: from the world’s largest
spirits suppliers to boutique bitters and bourbons; from airlines to
clothing lines; fashion magazines to trade publications; watches to
wingtips; credit card companies to SmartPhone app's to luxury
automobiles (oh my!) Just drop a line to and we'll get the ball rolling.
Contact Us
For sponsorship inquiries about the 2013 festival, email
and let us know whether you’re inquiring as a drinks brand, non-drinks
brand (airline, car company, bread baker, pogo-stick maker, etc), or
media partner.
For all other questions not addressed by our super comprehensive FAQ, comments, general life counseling, and/or to just to tell us why we're cool, email
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