Tuesday, March 6, 2012

President Clinton to travel to Haiti

Tuesday, March 6, President Bill Clinton will travel to Haiti.

On Wednesday, March 7, President Clinton will visit several sites with solar energy installations with Bob Freling, Executive Director of SELF, and NRG Energy CEO, David Crane, who is co-hosting the trip.

In the morning, President Clinton and Dr. Paul Farmer, founder of Partners in Health, will take a tour of the Partners in Health Boucan Carré Health Clinic. The visit will be open press.

Following the health clinic tour, President Clinton will visit the Lashto Fish Farm in Boucan Carré. He will be accompanied by Dr. Valentin Abe, Founder of Caribbean Harvest, on this visit, which will be open press.

Later, President Clinton will tour the Bon Bergen School in Domond. This school was donated by the Digicel Foundation and the tour will be open press.

Following the school tour, President Clinton and Dr. Farmer will visit the PIH Teaching Hospital in Mirebalais. This visit will be open press.

On Thursday, March 7, President Clinton will tour St. Damien’s. This school visit will be open press.

President Clinton will be joined by executives and directors of large corporations, including David Crane, CEO, NRG Energy; Bob Freling, Executive Director, SELF; Paul Farmer, Founder, Partners in Health; Valentin Abe, Founder, Caribbean Harvest; Rolando Gonzalez-Bunster, CEO of Basic Energy; Josef Abramowitz, Founder and CEO, Gigawatt Global; Jerry Stokes, President of Suntech Europe; David B. Fischer, CEO of Greif; Amy Herskovitz, Executive Vice President, Pershing Square Foundation; Mark Kingsley, CCO, Trina Solar; Aaron Charlop-Powers, Haiti Consultant, Pershing Square Foundation; Ambassador Timothy M. Carney, Executive Vice President, Clinton Bush Haiti Fund; Jean-Louis Warnholz, Senior Advisor to the Counselor, State Department; Pierre Noel, President, Haiti Fund at the Boston Foundation; Marianne d'Ansembourg, Senior Advisor, Haiti Adolescent Girl Network; Steve Toben, President, Flora Family Foundation; Eric Gimon, Flora Family Foundation; Joe Cashion, Energy Consultant, Industrial Revolution II; Matt Petersen, President and CEO, Global Green USA; Jonathan Pickering , President of the America’s Region, JA Solar; Enda Kelly, Partner in Charge, C+F Green Energy; and Jim Ansara , Construction Manager, Mirebalais Hospital.

To cover these events, please RSVP to press@clintonfoundation.org.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012
10:00 AM EST President Clinton visits PIH Boucan Carré Health Clinic
Boucan Carré, Central Plateau

11:00 AM EST
President Clinton visits Lashto Fish Farm
Boucan Carré, Central Plateau

12:15 PM EST
President Clinton tours the Bon Berger de Domond School
Central Plateau

1:30 PM EST
President Clinton visits PIH Mirebalais Teaching Hospital

Thursday, March 8, 2012
1:00 PM EST
President Clinton tours St. Damien’s School
St. Damien’s Hospital Complex
Near Port-au-Prince Airport


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