"We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of Dr. Dorothy Height, an icon of America’s long march toward equality and a personal inspiration to us both. As the only woman among the 'Big Six' civil rights leaders, Dr. Height helped galvanize a movement that changed our country forever. She organized the 'Wednesdays in Mississippi' meetings that brought black and white women together to find common ground and break down barriers. She never stopped fighting for what she knew was right. Through it all, she was always the best dressed woman in the room.
We were blessed to know Dr. Height, to benefit from her grace, passion and wisdom, and to call her our friend. For decades, starting with the early days at the Children’s Defense Fund, we worked with her, learned from her, and drew inspiration from her example. From the Presidential Medal of Freedom, to the Congressional Gold Medal, to the unveiling of a long-sought-after bust of Sojourner Truth in the United States Capitol, we had the privilege of helping honor Dr. Height and her accomplishments.
Born before women had the right to vote, denied access to the college of her choice because of the color of her skin, and witness to a nation divided, Dr. Height dedicated her life to the proposition that all Americans should have the opportunity to live up to their full God-given potential. Our nation is poorer for her loss but infinitely richer for the life she led, the progress she achieved, and the people she touched.
Our thoughts and prayers are with Dr. Height’s family today, and with her many loving friends and colleagues. She would be the first to tell us that the best way to honor her memory is to carry forward the work she started and the causes she championed, to open wide the freedom gates.
May we all find the strength and the wisdom to live up to her legacy."